Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ani Melkonyan-Gottschalk

Books and Book Chapters

  • Hirschfeld K., de Beurs K., Brayfield B., Melkonyan-Gottschalk A. (2023). New Wars and Old Plagues:
    Armed Conflict, Environmental Change and Resurgent Malaria in the Southern Caucasus. palgrave macmillan.
  • Schmidt A.J., Schönharting J., Melkonyan A. (2020).  Kurzfassung. In: Proff H. (eds) Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden., 237-340.
  • Melkonyan A., Krumme K. (2019). Innovative Logistics Services and Sustainable Lifestyles: Interdependencies, Transformation Strategies and Best Practices. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-98467-4, 315 pp.
  • Melkonyan A., Krumme K. (2019). Integrating Perspectives of Logistics and Lifestyles for a Sustainable Economy. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 1; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 3-20.
  • Gruchmann T., Böhm M., Krumme K., Funcke S., Hauser S., Melkonyan A. (2019). Local and Sustainable Food Businesses: Assessing the Role of Supply Chain Coordination. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 7; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 143-163.
  • De La Torre G., Gruchmann T., Kamath V., Melkonyan A, Krumme K. (2019). A System Dynamics-Based Simulation Model to Analyse Consumer’s Behaviour Based on Participatory Systems Mapping – A ‘Last Mile’ Perspective. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 8; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 165-194.
  • Melkonyan A., Gruchmann T., Huerta A., Krumme K. (2019). Scenario Planning for Sustainable Food Supply Chains. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 10; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 211-233.
  • Gruchmann T., Eiten J., De La Torre G., Melkonyan A.(2019). Sustainable Logistics and Transportation Systems: Integrating Optimization and Simulation Analysis to Enhance Strategic Supply Chain Decision-Making. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 12; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 265-279
  • Krumme K., Melkonyan A. (2019). Research and Innovation Perspectives on Integrated Supply Chains in a Sustainable Economy. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-319-98466-7; Chapter 14; Edited by Melkonyan A., Krumme K., 289-307.
  • Melkonyan A., Gruchmann T., de la Torre G., and Krumme K. (2018). Szenarien- und Strategieentwicklung, Praxisleitfaden Innovative Logistik für nachhaltige Lebensstile. Toolbox zur Umsetzung nachhaltiger Logistikmodelle. Springer Essentials, ISBN 978-3-658-22771-5.
  • Melkonyan A. (2015). Vulnerability of Agricultural Sector in Armenia and Adaptation Mechanisms.Third National Communication on Climate Change, Republic of Armenia. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changedeveloped by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia with the funding of the Global Environmental Facility and support of the United Nations Development Program in Armenia; “Lusabats” Publishing House, 65-77.
  • Melkonyan A. (2011). Statistical analysis of long-term air pollution data in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Hohenwarsleben: Westarp Wiss. XVIII, 141 pp.
  • Melkonyan A., Arakelyan A. (2006). Dynamic model of Environmental Pollution. Journal of Information Technologies and Management, Armenian Society of Computer and Information Systems Engineering Academy, Yerevan, 1-15.

 Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • Melkonyan-Gottschalk A., Hollmann Rick, Daus D., Gruchmann T. (2024). Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in the logistics industry: An empirical investigation in Germany. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (submitted on 26.01.2024) (Impact Factor: 9.752)
  • Werning J. P., Spinler S., Melkonyan A. (2024). Transition to Circular Economy on Firm-Level: Scenario-based simulation of Barrier Impact on the Value Chain. Journal of Industrial Ecology (submitted); (Impact Factor 7.814).
  • Alzubi E., Kassem A., Melkonyan A., Noche B. (2023). Enhancing Economic-Social Sustainability through a Closed-Loop Citrus Supply Chain: A Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, (Impact Factor: 11.161).
  • Melkonyan A., Palmie M. (2023). Decarbonization Pathways for Urban Logistics Systems. Amplify 36/11, Cutter Consortium, an Arthur D. Little community.
  • Melkonyan A., Daus D., Lara Johannsdottir L., Goldmann D. (2023). A Collaboration Framework for Regional Circular Economy Transformation. Amplify 36/10, Cutter Consortium, an Arthur D. Little community.
  • Hirschfeld K., de Beurs Kirsten, Brayfield B., Melkonyan A. (2022). Ethnic Conflict as a Risk Amplifier for Resurgent P. Vivax Malaria in Temperate Zones: A Case Study from the Caucasus Region. Global Environmental Change 74, ISSN 0959-3780, (Impact Factor: 11.16).
  • Melkonyan A., Gruchmann T., Lohmar F., Bleischwitz R. (2022). Decision support for sustainable urban mobility: A case study of the Rhine-Ruhr area. Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103806, (Impact Factor: 7.587).
  • Ali A., Gruchmann T., Melkonyan A., (2022). Assessing the impact of sustainable logistics service quality on relationship quality: Survey-based Evidence in Egypt. Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chains100036, (Impact Factor: 9.297).
  • Ali A., Melkonyan A., Noche N., Gruchmann T. (2021). Developing a Sustainable Logistics Service Quality Scale for Logistics Service Providers in Egypt. Logistics 5(2), 21, Factor: 0,3).
  • Melkonyan A., Vasanth K. V.P., Koch J., Lohmar F., Munteanu V., Schmidt A., Bleischwitz R. (2020). Integrated Urban Planning Policies for Sustainable Mobility Transformation in Metropolitan Areas: A System Dynamic Approach. Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102358, Factor: 7.587).
  • Melkonyan A., Gruchmann T., Lohmar F., Vasanth K. V.P., Spinler S. (2020). Sustainability assessment of last-mile logistics and distribution strategies: The case of local food networks. International Journal of Production Economics 228, Factor: 7.885).
  • Gruchmann T., Pratt N., Eiten J., Melkonyan A. (2020). 4PL Digital Business Models in Sea Freight Logistics: The Case of FreightHub. Logistics 4(2), 10 Factor: 0.3).
  • Melkonyan A., Krumme K., Gruchmann T., Spinler S., Schumacher T., Bleischwitz R. (2019). Scenario and strategy planning for transformative supply chains within a sustainable economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 231, 144-160 (Impact Factor: 9.297).
  • Gruchmann T., Melkonyan A., Krumme K. (2018). Logistics Business Transformation for Sustainability: Assessing the Role of the Lead Sustainability Service Provider (6PL). Logistics 2/25, doi:10.3390/logistics2040025(Impact Factor: 0.3).
  • Melkonyan A., Gottschalk D., Vasanth K. V.P. (2017). Sustainability assessments and their implementation possibilities within the business models of companies. Journal of Sustainable Production and Consumption 12, 1-15 (Impact Factor: 5.032).
  • Melkonyan A., Gruchmann T., De La Torre G., Krumme K. (2017). Sustainable logistics in integrated food production and supply systems – taking a System Dynamics perspective. Energy Procedia 123 C, 131-138 (Impact Factor: 1,89).
  • Sohofi S. A., Melkonyan A., Karl C. K., Krumme K. (2016). System Archetypes in the Conceptualization Phase of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Modelling. Double Peer-reviewed conference proceedings of the 34th System Dynamics Society, ISBN 9781510830271, Delft, Netherlands, July 17-21 (Impact Factor: 2.097).
  • Melkonyan A. (2015). Climate change in Armenia and its Dependency on Water Resources and Crop Production. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 161, 86-101 (Impact Factor: 4.516).
  • Melkonyan A. (2014). Environmental and Socio-Economic Vulnerability of Agricultural Sector in Armenia. Science of the Total Environment 488-489, 333-342 (Impact Factor: 7.936).
  • Melkonyan A., Asadoorian M. O. (2014). Climate Impact on Agroeconomy in Semiarid Region of Armenia. Environment, Development and Sustainability 16 (2), 393-414(Impact Factor: 3.219).
  • Melkonyan A., Wagner P. (2013). Ozone and its projection in regard to climate change. Atmospheric Environment 67, 287-295 (Impact Factor: 4.798).  
  • Melkonyan A.,Kuttler W. (2012). Long-term analysis of NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Atmospheric Environment 60, 316-326 (Impact Factor: 4.798).

Conference Proceedings and Working Papers

  • Gruchmann T., Melkonyan A., Krumme K., Böhm M., Hauser S., and Funcke S. (2018). Assessing Logistics and Supply Chain Practices to Promote Sustainability of Local Food Networks - Insights from Sustainable Businesses in Germany and Austria. Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Working Paper No 2, Editors Rainer Waltz und Matthias Gotsch (Fraunhofer ISI).
  • Melkonyan A., Kuttler W. (2009). Analysis of predominantly non-meteorological influences on air pollution in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. 5th Japanese German Meeting on Urban Climatology: Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany, October 2008, Freiburg Meteorologisches Inst. der Universität.
  • Melkonyan A., Melkonyan H., Tonapetyan S. (2007). Estimation of Economic Damage Caused by Air Pollution. Proceedings of the Conference on ''Urban Air Quality'' held in Limassol, Cyprus, 27-29 March.     
  • Melkonyan A., Nikhoghosyan H., Melkonyan H., Epremyan M. (2006). Climate Change Impact on Armenian Water Resources. Proceedings of the Conference on Environment and Physical Planning, Macedonia, May.
  • Melkonyan A., Melkonyan H. (2005). Mathematical Model of Atmosphere Pollution in Yerevan Caused by Industrial Emissions. Proceedings of the 10-th International Conference on Harmonization, Sissi, Crete, Greece, 17-20 October.
  • Melkonyan A., Melkonyan H., Khachatryan L., Khalatyan Y. (2005):The Forecast of Agricultural Harvest in Armenia with Calculation of Climate Variability. Technical Conference, “Climate as a resource” Beijing, China, 1-2 November.          


Employment relationships

  • since 2017 Chairman of the Executive Board of CUTEC Clausthaler Umwelttechnik Forschungszentrum
  • since 2015 Coordinator of the Research Focus on Raw Material Security and Resource Efficiency at Clausthal University of Technology
  • since 2011 Scientific Director of the Recycling Cluster Wirtschaftsstrategische Metalle Niedersachsen REWIMET e.V.
  • since 2009 Scientific Director of the Berlin Recycling and Raw Materials Conference BRR
  • 2008 Takeover of the Chair for Raw Material Processing and Recycling at the TU Clausthal
  • 1999 - 2007 Manager End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Volkswagen AG
  • 1993 - 1999 Head of Technology and Service Preussag Recycling GmbH
  • 1992 - 1993 Member of the project team for the business field development of automobile recycling for the Preussag AG Group
  • 1992 Project manager process development (plant engineering) Automobil-Recycling Preussag Noell GmbH
  • 1987 - 1991 Development Engineer Process Engineering (Recycling) Preussag AG Metall

Study and doctorate

  • 1984 - 1987 Research associate at the Institute for Processing at the TU Clausthal, Prof. Dr. A. Bahr
    • Doctor of engineering (processing technology) (1992)
  • degrees (TU Clausthal):
    • Graduate mineralogist (1984)
    • Graduate geologist (1987)
  • 1981 - 1982 Study of Geochemistry at MIT and Harvard University
  • 1976 - 1984 Study of mineralogy and geology at the TU Clausthal

Awards and scholarships

  • 2007: ÖkoGlobe (VW)
  • 2006: European Business Award for the Environment (VW)
  • 2005/2006: BDI Environmental Award for Industry (VW)
  • 2001: Volkswagen AG (VW) Research Prize
  • 1981/1982: Fulbright scholarship for studies at MIT and Harvard

Professur für Nachhaltigkeit und sozio-technische Transformation

Telefon: +49 5323 72-6125

Raum: 4:35
Standort: Leibnizstraße 23
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld