M. Sc. Kirstin Schneider
Book Chapters
- Elwert, T., Römer, F., Schneider K., Hua, Q., Buchert, M: Recycling of batteries from electric vehicles. (2018) In: Behaviour of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles - Battery Health, Performance, Safety, and Cost; Eds: Pistoia, G., Liaw, B., Springer International Publishing
International Journals
- Schneider, K.; Kiyek, V.; Yagmurlu, B.; Goldmann, D. (2023): “Acid Leaching of Al- and Ta-Substituted Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO)
Solid Electrolyte” In Metals, 13, 834. doi.org/10.3390/met13050834 - Zhang, Y. S.; Schneider, K.; Qiu, H.; Zhu, H. L. (2022): "A perspective of low carbon lithium-ion battery recycling technology." In: Carbon Capture Science & Technology, Volume 5, 2022, 100074, ISSN 2772-6568, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccst.2022.100074
- Elwert, Tobias; Hua, Qing Song; Schneider, Kirstin (2019): Recycling of Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries: Future Prospects and Research Needs. In MSF 959, pp. 49–68. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.959.49
International Conferences
- Schneider, K.; Goldmann, D.; Yagmurlu, B. (2023): "Design of a Hydrometallurgical Recycling Process for Polymer Solid-State Batteries Using the Example of LFP Cathode Composite", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA
- Schneider, K.; Ahuis, M.; Michalowski, P.; Goldmann, D.; Kwade, A.; Yagmurlu, B. (2023): "Towards Sustainable Polymer Solid-State Batteries: A Mechanical-Hydrometallurgical Case Study", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA
- Schneider, K., Goldmann, D.: “Oxide-based lithium solid-state batteries from a recycling perspective” (2022). In: Vorträge-Konferenzband zur 16. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz, Hrsg.: Pomberger, R. et al., Abfallverwertungstechnik & Abfallwirtschaft Eigenverlag, S. 381-386
- Schneider, K.; Drude, E.; Friedrich, B.; Goldmann, D. (2021): “Recycling of oxide electrolytes from all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries by acid leaching” In: IBPC 2021: International Battery Production Conference, November 1-2, 2021, Braunschweig, Germany
- Schneider, K., Elwert, T., Hua, Q.: Market overview, legal aspects, and recycling of lithium iron phosphate batteries, EMPRC 06/25-06/26/2018. In: Proceedings of the European Mineral Processing & Recycling Congress. Ed.: GDMB, GDMB Verlag GmbH, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, ISBN: 978-3-940276-84-1
- Schneider, K., Reimer, M., Elwert, T.: Recycling von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen (2018). In: Tagungsband zur 14. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz, Hrsg.: Pomberger, R. et al., Abfallverwertungstechnik & Abfallwirtschaft Eigenverlag, S. 711-716
- Schneider, K., Goldmann, D.: "Kataster anthropogener Lagerstätten in der Region Harz basierend auf einem Geo-Informationssystem." (2018) In: Tagungsband zur 14. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz, Hrsg.: Pomberger, R. et al., Abfallverwertungstechnik & Abfallwirtschaft Eigenverlag, S. 247-252
National Conferences
- Köthe, J.; Schneider, K.; Goldmann, D. (2021): „Entwicklung hydrometallurgischer Recyclingverfahren von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien am IFAD der TU Clausthal". In: UVR-FIA Tagung, Freiberg, 12.11.21
- Schneider, K.; Goldmann, D. (2022): "Hydrometallurgical recycling concept for oxide-based all-solid-state lithium batteries". In: IMLB 2022: International Meeting on Lithium Batteries, June 27 - July 1 2022, Sydney, Australia - Poster
- Köthe, J.; Qiu, H.; Schneider, K.; Goldmann, D. (2021): „Flotation for the separation of anode and cathode materials of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries” In: IBPC 2021: International Battery Production Conference, November 1-2, 2021, Braunschweig, Germany - Poster

Research assistant
Phone: +49 5323 72-2961
E-mail: kirstin.schneider@tu-clausthal.de
Room: 103
Walther-Nernst-Strasse 9
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld