REMINTA - Recycling of mineral materials from tailings ponds

Project description:
In the REMINTA project (REcycling MINeral fractions from Tailings using the example of the tailings pond at Bollrich in Goslar), mineral residues left behind in the tailings ponds of the Rammelsberg ore mine are to be processed and refined. The aim is to develop an overall recycling concept for the ponds at Goslar's Bollrich.
The REMINTA project follows the REWITA project (LINK). In this project, the tailings pond was systematically investigated for structure, content and recoverability of valuable substances. In the process, procedures were developed that allow usable concentrates for the recovery of metals such as indium, cobalt, gold, zinc as well as barite.
The remaining residue still contains a good half of the total mass, so that here, too, further action is required and is the starting point for REMINTA. The composition of the mineral promises a possible use in cement production, as well as in seal construction. The project also includes planning for a possible dismantling of the tailings pond, including all necessary investigations, as well as the socio-economic effects in the region.
The Department of Raw Material Processing and Recycling has the overall coordination in this project and develops processes for the conditioning of the mineral fractions in order to enable their use in the targeted recycling routes.
Project partners:
- TU Clausthal
- Geocycle (Germany) GmbH
- Wilhelm Geiger GmbH & Co KG
- pdv-software GmbH
- IBU-tec advanced materials AG
- HZDR/ Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
- Harz University
The following will take you to the official project page.

Contact person: Dr.-Ing. Kai Rasenack
Research Assistant
Phone: +49 5323 72-6127

Subsidy reference number: 033R266A